Friday, July 31, 2009

Metaphor for a Missing Moment

January 27, 2007

You hear a song. Maybe it's one you haven't heard in years. Months. You've basically forgotten about it.

You hear it on the radio, or maybe it's one of the 2000+ songs in your iPod and it's popped up on shuffle. Coincidence.

But all of a sudden, you are 15 again. 30. 21. That song transports you back in time. It is such a part of that memory, that place in time, that you are immediately back there. Feeling what you felt. Doing those drugs. Loving who you used to love. Fucking who you used to fuck.

You're sad. You're elated. You want to turn it up. Turn it off. Throw the radio out the window.

You're feeling things you haven't felt in years. Things you loved to feel. Things you never wanted to feel again.

You forget you're 27.

You're with someone else now.

You have a new life.

In a few years it will be a new song.

But right now, all you want is to fast-forward. Leave that place. To be yourself again.

Orestes -A Perfect Circle

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